Managing IAV-S: new data show significant improvement in average daily gain (ADG) and mortality

Until recently, there have been few tools commercially available to provide protection against influenza and its impact on the health and performance of growing pigs.

Managing IAV-S: new data show significant improvement in average daily gain (ADG) and mortality

Influenza A virus in swine (IAV-S) is costly to the swine industry, especially when coinfection with other respiratory pathogens is present. The implications of these coinfections are reflected in both higher mortality rates and reduction in ADG.

Historically, uncomplicated IAV-S has been shown to lead to an estimated loss of more than $3 per pig; when present with concurrent infections, the loss associated with IAV-S can be greater than $10 per pig.1*

Recent data suggest that coinfection can lead to even greater economic loss:

  • When IAV-S and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) simultaneously infect pigs in late nursery, losses can average $18 per pig2

Until recently, there have been few tools commercially available to provide protection against influenza and its impact on the health and performance of growing pigs.

Production and performance with Ingelvac Provenza

Ingelvac Provenza™ is a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) that can be given to pigs as early as day one via intranasal administration. It has recently been evaluated in 2 commercial 5000-sow flows.

Case study #1: ADG, feed conversion ratio (FCR), average market weight, and days to market3

Objective: To assess measures of growing pig performance in a 2-sow farm flow (5000 total sows) from a large commercial swine operation in the midwestern United States before and after the introduction of Ingelvac Provenza™.

Investigators: J. Morgan, K. Kovach, C. Goodell, K.M. Cicconi-Hogan

Method: Observe measurable differences in key performance indicators (KPIs) (ADG, FCR, average market weight, and days to market) after vaccination with Ingelvac ProvenzaTM.

 Key takeaway: Pigs vaccinated with Ingelvac ProvenzaTM went to market nearly 7 days sooner, with an increase in average market weight of over 3 lb.


Case study 2: ADG and mortality4

Objective: To assess the performance of growing pigs in an IAV-endemic commercial 5000-sow farm flow before and after the implementation of Ingelvac Provenza™.

Investigators: E. Mondaca-Fernandez, E. Lowe, C. Goodell, K.M. Cicconi-Hogan

Method: Use summary nursery and finishing closeout data to compare ADG and mortality, prior to and after vaccination with Ingelvac ProvenzaTM.

Key takeaway: Significant improvements of 0.10 lb/day wean to finish ADG and mortality reduction of 0.95% were observed after the initiation of Ingelvac Provenza™ in a flow previously diagnosed as endemic for IAV-S.

Building a strong immune foundation throughout the herd

These studies have shown that vaccination with Ingelvac ProvenzaTM can be a valuable tool in current IAV-S protocols and positive vaccine impact can be measured by standard performance targets.

For more information on how Ingelvac ProvenzaTM can help establish a strong foundation for respiratory health, visit

*Above baseline

References: 1. Dykhuis Haden C, Painter T, Fangman T, Holtkamp D. Assessing production parameters and economic impact of swine in influenza, PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on finishing pigs in a large production system. In: Proceedings of the 43rd American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting; March 10–13, 2012; Denver, CO: 75–76. 2. Stika R, Holtkamp MS, Goodell C, et al. Measuring the respiratory pathogen burden in growing pigs to estimate the impact of disease. In: Allen D. Leman Swine Conference; September 15–18, 2018; St. Paul, MN. Poster. 3. Morgan J, Kovach K, Goodell C, Cicconi-Hogan KM. The impact of Ingelvac Provenza on key performance indicators of growing pigs in a 2 x 2500 sow farm flow: a case study. In: Allen D. Leman Swine Conference; September 15–18, 2018; St. Paul, MN. Poster. 4. Mondaca-Fernandez E, Lowe E, Goodell C, Cicconi-Hogan KM. The impact of Ingelvac Provenza on growing pig key performance indicators: a case study. In: Allen D. Leman Swine Conference; September 15–18, 2018; St. Paul, MN. Poster.

Boehringer Ingelheim
Partner. Protect. Perform.

Ingelvac Provenza is a trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH.
©2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. POR-1117-PRO1018 18234

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