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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
The ag supply chain, farm shows and mental health are talked about this week, as well as Memorial Day tributes.
May 23, 2020
Part 1
Max starts the broadcast talking about Memorial Day, as well as challenges agriculture is facing right now.
Mike Pearson visits with Joe Camp, Agrivisor, about markets, as well as planting progress vs. planting intentions and ethanol.
Part 2
Joe Camp is back, talking about exports, the wheat market and livestock volatility.
Chad Colby shares some options for scouting from the sky, including his latest drone.
In the Plan Smart, Grow Smart series, Max talks with Scott Kay, BASF, and Cory Atley, Ohio farmer, about the ag supply chain
Part 3
Max visits with Matt Jungmann, manager, Farm Progress shows, about the Farm Progress Show and Husker Harvest Days.
Part 4
Max had some conversations about mental health this week, with Zippy Duvall, American Farm Bureau Federation; Holly Spangler, Prairie Farmer/Farm Progress; and Ted Matthews, Minnesota Rural Mental Health.
Greg Soulje is in with his weather forecast for the week ahead.
Part 5
Greg Soulje is back with an extended weather outlook.
Part 6
There's a 1969 Minneapolis Super 670 in Max's Tractor Shed.
Mark Stock shares the latest lineup from Big Iron Auctions.
The FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Oakland FFA.
Orion shares the positive and encouraging in Samuelson Sez.
Part 7
Max requested to see farm flags, and farmers across the country came through.
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