Content Spotlight
2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
This week highlights more on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, market volatility, and the upcoming National Agriculture Day
March 5, 2022
Bill Biedermann,, talks with Mike Pearson about the impact from the Russia invasion of Ukraine. The biggest issue for agriculture is the inability to get ships out of the Black Sea. A significant amount of exports are unable to leave the Black Sea. What percentage of crops will be planted there and how will they get the supplies that are needed.
Mike discusses markets with Angie Setzer, Consus ROI, LLC. Angie talks more about the volatility of the markets. Looking at the 2022 crops and how growers should prepare with the current and the 8possible future markets.
This week in Colby Ag Tech, Chad Colby spotlights a new light bar that can make equipment transportation safer for those in agriculture.
Max Armstrong talks with Amy Bradford, National Agriculture Day chair. National Agriculture Day is March 22 and Amy gives an update on plans to celebrate agriculture in D.C. This year they will have equipment and displays spaced out throughout the Mall to showcase agriculture and to recognize the role of agriculture in every day life.
With Covid restrictions lifting across the country, ag meetings and farm trade shows are back in person. Max talks with Neil Caskey, V.P. Communications, NCGA, about the return of Commodity Classic this year in New Orleans, LA.
Greg Soulje gives his weather forecast for week ahead and what to expect in the upcoming forecast.
Max’s Tractor Shed is ready to bid farewell to the heat housers with temperatures increasing across the country. Spotlighting heat housers on a few different pieces of equipment this week.
Mark Stock shares this week’s report from BigIron Auctions.
This week the FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Aubrey Schwartz, Ohio State FFA Secretary.
Orion Samuelson shares the importance of Ukraine this week in Samuelson Sez.
Mike shares social media posts from across the country on calving.
This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on
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