This Week in Agribusiness, Jan. 1, 2022This Week in Agribusiness, Jan. 1, 2022

Farm broadcasters and Tom Vilsack recap 2021, and share 2022 concerns and sentiment, from inputs to crop production, policy to supply chains and markets.

January 1, 2022

Mike Adams, former farm broadcaster, visits with Max about supply chain issues in 2021 and what to expect in 2022. They also talk about land use and prices, drought, harvest challenges and shifts in Washington, D.C. Mike also talks about changes in the USDA personnel and congress.

Max talks with Ron Hays, Radio Oklahoma Network, about how Oklahoma ag fared in 2021, including the wheat crop, drought, cattle production and markets, beef checkoff support and producer sentiment for 2022.

Alan Watts, WKDZ Radio, chats with Max about crop production in Kentucky this year, farmer concerns for 2022 and National Farm Machinery Show.

Brian Winnekins, WRDN Radio in Wisconsin, shares his thoughts on 2021, and how farmers are feeling about what happened across the state this past year. He also talks about milk producers' concerns and trucking and transportation logistics.

Max talks to Joe Gill, KASM Radio in Minnesota, about how 2021 treated Minnesota producers, including hay production, milk price concerns, farm policy and producer optimism.

The FFA tribute goes to Ben Styer, Wisconsin state FFA president.

Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the coming week, as well as a drought and winter weather outlook.

Max is joined by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. They talk about supply chain, market creation, USDA support and resources, input impact on yield and risk management in 2022. They also touch on optimism for new programs, biofuels.


This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on

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