This Week in Agribusiness, December 17, 2022This Week in Agribusiness, December 17, 2022

Looking ahead to 2023, market updates, cattle industry legislation, and more featured this week.

December 17, 2022

Rob Fox, Director, Cobank Knowledge Exchange, joins Max to talk more about what’s ahead for 2023. Rob shares his thoughts on the agriculture economy, the possibility of a recession, as well as the cost structure and margin for 2023 crops.

Max talks markets with Walter Kunisch, Senior VP, HTS Commodities. Walter dives into the supply and demand, an update on the MS River challenges, the upcoming weather impacts on cattle market and more.

This week in Colby Ag Tech, Chad Colby joins Eric Pfeiffer, Hoosier Ag Today at the Indiana Farm and Technology Expo. Eric shares top technology, equipment and education at the expo.

Mike joins Tanner Beymer, Senior Director, Government Affairs – NCBA to discuss the wins and losses for the cattle industry with Congress this year. Tanner shares details on the congressional hearings held throughout 2022, the impact to the cattle industry and looking ahead to the farm bill.

This week in Plan Smart, Grow Smart series, Max joins Brian Threlkeld, Shelbina, Missouri, to discuss weed resistance. Brian shares the approach that he takes on waterhemp resistance, timing and the future of his operation.

Greg Soulje joins Max and gives his weather forecast for the week ahead and what to expect in the upcoming forecast.

Max’s Tractor Shed shares several different tractors showcased in Christmas Parades around the country.

Mark Stock shares this week’s report from BigIron Auctions.

This week the FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Aiden Yoho, Kansas FFA State Secretary.

Farmers take livestock trailers and distribute wreaths at veteran cemeteries in a tribute during the Christmas season.

This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on

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