Sow pelvic organ prolapse appears to have genetic, environmental basisSow pelvic organ prolapse appears to have genetic, environmental basis

Uterine prolapse appears to be even more genetically influenced than what was previously thought, research out of Iowa State University is showing.

June 2, 2023


Globally pork production continues to grow.  Improvements in management and genetics have enabled a significant improvement in the production efficiency of sows through increases in the number of piglets born alive and weaned and consistent litter performance across parities. Unfortunately, a concomitant steady rise in sow mortality. One of the major reasons for sow mortality is pelvic organ prolapse (otherwise known as POP).

Joining us today to talk about some recent research findings related to POP are Dr. Jack Dekkers of Iowa State University and Vishesh Bhatia, a Ph.D. student of Dekkers. They along with Dr. Jason Ross, also of Iowa State University, investigated the genetic basis of uterine prolapse with the assistance of Topigs Norsvin. The main finding of their work has been that uterine prolapse appears to be even more genetically influence than what was previously realized. 

This episode of Feedstuffs in Focus is sponsored by Topigs Norsvin.  Swine genetics company Topigs Norsvin is renowned for its innovative approach to implementing new technologies and its continuous focus on cost-efficient and sustainable pig production.  Research, innovation, and dissemination of genetic improvements are the cornerstones of the company.  For more information, visit www.TopigsNorsvin.US.

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