Promoting the brand, creating miles of smilesPromoting the brand, creating miles of smiles

Today, there are six such giant hot dog vehicles that travel the nation promoting the brand and creating miles of smile.

November 4, 2020


The “Wienermobile” is that hot-dog-on-a-bun-shaped vehicle long used by the Oscar Mayer company to promote and advertise its products in the U.S. The first Wienermobile was created by Oscar Mayer’s nephew Carl G. Mayer in 1936. Today, there are six such giant hot dog vehicles that travel the nation promoting the brand and creating miles of smile.

The Wienermobile concept has evolved over the years, so much so that in June 2017, the company added several new hot-dog-themed vehicles to its line, including the WienerCycle, WienerRover and WienerDrone.

Feedstuffs editor Sarah Muirhead caught up with a couple of “Hotdoggers” while they were in the Chicagoland area recently to find out more about this long-standing marketing initiative by Oscar Mayer and to learn more about the Wienermobile and what it takes to be a hotdogger. In this segment, she is joined by Zach Chatman, professionally known as Zach n Cheese, and Maggie Thomas, otherwise known as Mustard Maggie.

Of course, the question of Ketchup or Mustard had to be asked. Grab a hot dog and take a listen!

This episode of Feedstuffs In Focus is sponsored by United Animal Health, a leader in animal health and nutrition. You can learn more about United Animal Health and how they are working to advance animal science worldwide by visiting their website

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