FEEDSTUFFS IN FOCUS: MCFAs can serve multiple roles in swine rationsFEEDSTUFFS IN FOCUS: MCFAs can serve multiple roles in swine rations

Activated medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) work in more than one way to protect pigs from bacteria and viruses and support pig performance.

August 21, 2020

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Activated medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) support feed biosecurity as they can weaken some viruses lurking in feed before they even enter the pigs' system.

According to Stacie Crowder, monogastric product manager for PMI Nutrition, a good place to start is with a tool that does more than one job such as medium-chain fatty acids. Multifaceted, MCFAs work in more than one way to protect pigs from bacteria and viruses and support pig performance. Feedstuffs editor Sarah Muirhead caught up recently with Crowder to talk about how MCFAs serve multiple roles when incorporated into swine rations. Among other things, Crowder explained that, activated MCFAs can work in feed to weaken pathogens before they reach the pig. They also work inside the pig to support immune activity, gut health and pig performance.

Find out too how, you as a producer or feed company can choose the right MCFA for your operation?

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