California moves VND response to 'Freedom of Disease' phaseCalifornia moves VND response to 'Freedom of Disease' phase

While regional quarantine remains in place, CDFA moves to demonstrate freedom from virulent Newcastle disease.

October 23, 2019

1 Min Read
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The California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) announced Oct. 22 that the virulent Newcastle disease (VND) response team has started the “Freedom of Disease” phase in which the agency continues surveillance and testing of birds to detect and quickly eradicate any small pockets of infection (if present).

CDFA said there have been no new positive detections of VND since early September, but the regional quarantine is still in place at this time.

A sufficient number of negative VND tests from the community will help meet international standards to demonstrate freedom from VND and allow the regional quarantine to be lifted, CDFA said. This phase will take place over the next few months, keeping in mind that if any positives are found, it would potentially create a setback to this process, the agency said.

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