AB Vista introduced the world's first stimbiotic product at IPPE
Redefining nutrition for the microbiome: introducing a new class of functional additive
February 13, 2020
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Fiber-degrading microbiome improves gut function
Gilson Gomes, head of Global Technical at AB Vista, discusses the importance of developing a fibre-degrading microbiome that increases nutrient digestibility, and the company’s work in this new area of research.
AB Vista introduces first 'stimbiotic' product at IPPE 2020
AB Vista’s research director Dr. Mike Bedford explains the concept of stimbiotics involves products that have the ability to stimulate the development of a fibre-fermentable microbiome, and how stimbiotics are different from prebiotics.
Developing, supporting healthy gut microbiome in poultry
Dr. Tara York, Technical Manager at AB Vista, discusses the importance of managing phytase and calcium, alongside feeding AB Vista’s new Signis stimbiotic, in supporting good gut health and beneficial microbiota in poultry production.
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