Content Spotlight
2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Ethanol market, competition bull business, sheep production and marketing, beef direct sales, and more.
October 28, 2023
Mike Pearson discussed the ethanol market with Ron Lamberty, American Coalition for Ethanol. Ron shares what the Central America ethanol market looks like and now and for the future.
In the cab with Pioneer, Randy Francois, Winthrop, Iowa, talks about his diversified farm operation, corn acreage, pest management and seed practices they are using in their operation.
Jim McCormick,, joins Mike to discuss the latest in the markets to include the corn harvest, exports, wheat, and soybeans. Jim dives deeper in the livestock market, concerns with inflation and crude oil.
This week in Colby Ag Tech, Chad Colby shares more on starter drones. Chad shares more details on a smaller, compact drone and the features available.
Lorrie Boyer reports on one of the niches that contributes the cattle production. Casey Decker, No Credit Bucking Bulls, talks about his competition bulls, their feed, keeping the bulls in shape to perform to create great bull riding.
Al Gustin reporting from North Dakota with sheep producer, Brent Stroh. Brent has been helping other producers with marketing and finding the best packer for many years.
Max joins Albre Brown, Technical Marketing Manager - BASF this week in the Plan Smart, Grow Smart series. Albre details Revylock, the new fungicide innovations from BASF and what diseases soybeans face throughout the soybean industry in the South.
Greg Soulje joins Mike and gives his weather forecast for the week ahead and what to expect in the upcoming forecast.
Max’s Tractor Shed spotlights a 1968 John Deere 4020 D owned by Elizabeth and Peter Schramm from Ernul, North Carolina.
Mark Stock shares this week’s report from BigIron Auctions.
This week the FFA Tribute goes to Caden Sixberry, Indiana State FFA Treasurer.
Mike joins Bill McLaren, Crooked Creek Beef. Bill shares how and why his farm got started in beef direct sales and what it takes to grow in the direct sales business. Bill discusses how the family farm has diversified as well to include agritourism, a wedding venue, selling pure bred cattle and more.
This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on
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