This Week in Agribusiness, December 2, 2023This Week in Agribusiness, December 2, 2023

Max Armstrong hosts this week while Mike Pearson reports from the Organic Grower Summit.

December 2, 2023

46 Min View

Part 1

Max Armstrong kicks off the show with a chat with Ed Elfman, American Bankers Association about what’s going on in D.C. around farm financing. Max then talks with Brian Basting with Advance Trading about the markets.

Part 2

Brian Basting with Advance Trading returns to continue the markets discussion. In the Colby Ag Tech segment, Chad talks about great Christmas gift idea for farmers.

Part 3

Max introduces a sit-down interview Mike Pearson had with Sherry Cook of Mosaic about performance fertilizers.

Part 4

Max introduces a segment from Mike Pearson who as at the Organic Grower Summit that was held in Monterey, California this past week. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at the weather for the week ahead.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max shows off a 1979 IH 786. In the FFA Chapter Tribute segment, Max talks with Wyatt Hendley, Missouri State FFA Vice President. He’s a bootheel kid who comes from a farm with quite the varied production efforts. He’s currently attending Southeast Missouri State University and is looking at graduate school followed by working for a commodity association.

Part 7

Max next talks to Jill Carlson of Wyffels Hybrids about their investment in Farm Rescue which helps farm families that have had family or business disasters.

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