FEEDSTUFFS IN FOCUS: Projecting moderate feed prices in 2020FEEDSTUFFS IN FOCUS: Projecting moderate feed prices in 2020

Agricultural economist Ben Brown says USDA's latest data paints a picture for relatively moderate feed prices in the new year.

December 5, 2019

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Despite challenging weather conditions and an erratic global trade situation, there is a good chance feed prices could stabilize in 2020. Softer exports and strong planting intentions could keep corn prices below $4, and protein sources from soy to fishmeal should see plentiful supplies keep a lid on prices, too.

Agricultural economist Ben Brown oversees the farm management program at The Ohio State University. On the sidelines of Ohio State’s annual farm outlook conference in mid-November he spoke with Feedstuffs policy editor Jacqui Fatka about what USDA's latest stocks and usage data tell us about the outlook for feed prices in the new year.

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