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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
AMTS.GrowingCattle is a relatively new software offering designed to help nutritionists work with feedlot managers.
October 1, 2020
Agricultural Modeling & Training Systems (AMTS) of Groton N.Y., a leader in CNCPS-based cattle formulation software, has made it easier for AMTS.Farm users to run projections and make marketing decisions on their finishing/feedlot cattle by integrating with AMTS.GrowingCattle (GC), the company's animal performance predictor for growing cattle.
Diets created in .Cattle are easy to integrate into GC for advanced financial analysis by importing rations, the announcement said.
GC is a relatively new software offering from AMTS specifically designed to help nutritionists working with feedlot or finishing cattle mangers better manage and anticipate changing market conditions to maximize profit, AMTS said. The program lets users "play" with several factors including the rate of gain and duration of time in a given group, on a given diet, in conjunction with changing costs and revenues depending on finish characteristics and market prices. Producers can decide if they can be more profitable selling younger, smaller animals to a finisher or if their best bet lies in waiting to sell as ready to process.
AMTS said GC relies on inputted information about the animal, environment and feedstuffs to project growth. That information is then used to project costs and grouping duration to predict profits and losses. To keep the program simple, the information inputs are focused on those that most affect the potential outcomes. Additionally, the feeds available in the program are a limited number and are based on library values and not specific to the farm. While those feeds can be edited to better reflect the farm feeds, it necessitates hand entering those values, risking mis-keying.
On the other hand, AMTS.Farm has a more robust formulator with the opportunity to enter more specific environmental, animal and feed characteristics. The feed library is extensive — a real plus when using a lot of byproducts — and users can electronically import analyses for a more customized diet, AMTS said. Additionally, .Cattle has a standard linear optimizer and the power of mix optimization and advanced optimization(for added cost) to give you the edge you need in this challenging market period.
As cattle formulation nutritionists, users of AMTS.Farm.Cattle (formerly AMTS.Pro) have the sensitivity and ease of using .Cattle to make diets then, using the Import Recipes function in GC, dig into economics, projections and market fluctuations. When the difference between being in the top 25% and the bottom 25% of producers can lie in being 10% better, the ability to analyze and anticipate what-if scenarios can make the difference between profit and loss on a group of animals.
For the months of September and October, AMTS is offering AMTS.GrowingCattle at a 50% discounted rate for users of AMTS.Farm. If currently running .Cattle, and have never trialed GC, download the trial today. As with all AMTS software, you will have a 30-day trial. The 50% off promotion is valid until Oct. 31, 2020. If you have previously trialed and would like to try the new functionality, contact us to get another trial opportunity. When you are ready to purchase your copy, be sure to contact us to get your 50% discount on the AMTS.GrowingCattle subscription price for this year!
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