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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Program provides relevant and accurate information for those who own, manage or work in swine grow/finish facilities.
January 2, 2020
Since 2005, PorkBridge has provided relevant and timely information to grow/finish swine producers and other industry professionals across the U.S. and around the world through a unique, low-tech delivery method, according to Iowa State University, one of the institutions coordinating the program.
The 2020 program year series begins on Feb. 6 and continues on an every-other-month schedule for six total sessions, Iowa State said.
The program is a source of relevant and accurate information for those who own, manage or work in swine grow/finish facilities, according to Iowa State University animal science professor and extension swine specialist Ken Stalder, who is the Iowa contact for PorkBridge.
PorkBridge provides an interactive teleconference with electronic materials and live presentations. About a week before each session, subscribers will receive a web link to download the session’s presentation and any additional information provided by the presenter. Participants call in for the audio portion of each session and follow along with their own copy of the presentation on their computer or other device.
“Producers and others in the industry can get the information they need without the hassle of traveling or giving up an entire day to attend a meeting,” Stalder said. “PorkBridge participants can take part at home, in an office or in the swine unit -- wherever it works best for them -- and everyone can listen later to the audio we record of each live session.”
Sessions are scheduled for the first Thursday of each designated month but occasionally are moved a week to avoid interference with national industry events or holidays. Each session begins at 11:30 a.m. (Central) and lasts approximately 45 minutes.
The price remains at $100 for the entire series, and as in the past, each subsequent registration from the same entity is half that amount. Each registration provides access to one phone line per session and all program materials for each registration, including audio recordings of the live session, Stalder said.
The registration form and payment must be received by Jan. 15 to assure receipt of program materials in time for the first session on Feb. 6. The program brochure has details and the registration form.
Session dates, speakers and their industry affiliations and topics are as follows:
Feb. 6 — Pam Zaabel, Iowa State University, “African Swine Fever & Secure Pork Supply.”
April 2 — Steve Moeller, The Ohio State University, “Maintenance of Euthanasia Equipment.”
May 28 — Matt Ritter, Provimi US, “In-barn Impacts on Meat Quality.”
Aug. 6 — Yuzhi Li, University of Minnesota, “Tail, Ear & Flank Biting: Reasons Why & How to Address.”
Oct. 1 — Jose Ramirez, Viroz Animal Health, “Proper Application of Disinfectants.”
Dec. 3 — Andy Brudtkuhl, National Pork Board, “Precision Technologies for Commercial Swine Production.”
PorkBridge is a joint effort of swine faculty and staff from the University of Minnesota, Iowa State, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, South Dakota State University, The Ohio State University, Purdue University, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, University of Missouri and North Carolina State University.
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