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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
50th anniversary focus: Community through connection
February 19, 2021
In light of ongoing developments with COVID-19 and after thoughtful discussions with its board of directors, the Midwest Poultry Federation has made the decision to shift its 2021 MPF Convention to a fully online, virtual experience May 19-21.
“We were so hopeful that we might be able to bring attendees, exhibitors, and speakers together safely in-person in May but after careful consideration of all the factors, it became clear that this was the best decision we could make for everyone involved,” said MPF President Scott Waldner of Purina Animal Nutrition. Waldner represents the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota on the MPF Board.
The board reviewed all the current, science-based information, looked at vaccination rates for the country, reviewed travel policies (both nationally and internationally), and collaborated closely with its vendor partners. In the end, an in-person show in May simply would not allow the kind of show experience MPF attendees and exhibitors have come to expect.
“The safety of our attendees is paramount and there are simply too many unknowns at this point, especially with the national and international nature of our meeting,” said Waldner. In a typical year, MPF draws well over 3,000 attendees and exhibitors from across the U.S., nearly every province in Canada, and several other international countries.
“We believe this is the safest approach for the well-being of our global audience,” said Waldner. “COVID-19 has changed the way the world connects, and with one virtual convention already under its belt, MPF is excited to expand upon the engagement and connection opportunities available within its virtual platform.”
What to expect in 2021
MPF is 100% committed to providing a safe and effective way for everyone to participate and network at the convention. Attendees and exhibitors will recognize the same, robust, 3-D virtual platform that MPF utilized for its 2020 virtual event last August.
Several exciting enhancements are in the works including:
An expanded schedule over four days, offering much more flexibility and more on-demand sessions to fit your busy schedule.
All exhibitors in one virtual exhibit hall, with enhanced search function by both names and product categories capabilities to quickly and easily find who and what you are looking for.
Video chats enabled for all booths so that companies can easily connect in real-time with potential customers. Text chats will continue to be available as well.
A flexible education program with a mix of livestream and taped presentations, offering more flexibility.
Fun upgrades to the Networking Lounge to enrich the virtual social atmosphere and help people make better connections. Stay tuned for more details!
Attendees can also expect live Q&A opportunities with speakers; a new product showcase highlighting all the new products and services available to the poultry industry; a resource center with job postings and other information; and on-demand access to the entire convention through May 31, 2021.
Multi-State Poultry Feeding & Nutrition Conference added MPF is proud to welcome the Multi-State Poultry Feeding & Nutrition Conference to its program on Wednesday, May 19. This event is a longstanding cooperative effort between the poultry industries and Michigan State University, The Ohio State University, Indiana University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Kentucky. Due to the pandemic, the conference will be held within MPF’s virtual platform instead of in person and will replace the MPF’s Poultry Health & Nutrition Symposium this year.
“We’re really excited to welcome the Multi-State Poultry Feeding & Nutrition Conference to MPF this year and give this group a virtual place for all of its excellent content for the poultry industry,” said Waldner.MPF also pleased to announce its partnership with the North Central Avian Disease Conference (NCADC) will continue virtually. NCADC will be held May 18-19, 2021 directly within MPF’s virtual platform. (For NCADC registration details, please visit
Registration will open for the 2021 MPF Virtual Convention on March 1 via
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