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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Agreement opens additional opportunities to third-largest U.S. organic export market.
July 14, 2020
Effective July 16, 2020, the U.S.-Japan organic trade reached an arrangement that adds livestock to the list of products that may be certified to either country’s organic standards for sale as organic in both markets.
U.S. Department of Agriculture marketing and regulatory programs undersecretary Greg Ibach said, “Opening new markets for America’s organic farmers and ranchers continues to be a priority for USDA. Japan is already one of the top export markets for U.S. organic products. This agreement opens additional opportunities for everyone involved in the international supply chain for livestock, from farm to table.”
Gregg Doud, U.S. Trade Representative chief agricultural negotiator, added, “Japan is a key international partner in the organic market sector. This expanded arrangement protects and increases access for American organic farmers, ranchers and businesses to the third-largest U.S. organic export market.”
Equivalency arrangements reduce required certification costs, fees, inspections and paperwork for American organic farmers, ranchers and businesses across the supply chain.
The Organic Trade Assn. said it welcomes the expansion of the U.S.-Japan Organic Equivalence Arrangement to include organic livestock. Japan is the third-largest export market for the U.S. organic sector, buying more than $50 million worth of U.S.-grown and -produced organic products last year.
"This expansion reduces costs and streamlines the process for the organic livestock supply chain. It will benefit U.S. organic farmers and ranchers and will give Japanese consumers greater access to sought-after American organic products. It’s a win-win for both countries,” the trade group said.
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