FEEDSTUFFS PRECISION PORK: Special Report - Weather, molds and mycotoxins: What you need to knowFEEDSTUFFS PRECISION PORK: Special Report - Weather, molds and mycotoxins: What you need to know

We talk with the experts about the influence of weather on mycotoxins and mold and dig into what you need to know.

October 30, 2020

FEEDSTUFFS PRECISION PORK: Special Report - Weather, molds and mycotoxins: What you need to know
Corn hybrids with ears that remain standing instead of falling at maturity like these can retains moisture and prevents the ear from drying down.(Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Dr. Jourdan Bell)

The weather this year has been out of the ordinary, to put it mildly. That means the potential for molds and mycotoxins this fall in places like Iowa and Nebraska is quite real. As a feed manufacturer or livestock producer, what do you need to know and be on the look out for? Likewise, what can you do to manage the overall mycotoxin risk to your operation and your herd.

In this special episode of Feedstuffs Precision Pork, we talk with Don Geisting and Matt Wolfe about these important topics. Geisting is micronutrition innovation lead and Wolfe is strategic account manager – swine. Both are with Provimi, a Cargill company.  Take a listen.

Use this link to sign up for Provimi’s Mycotoxin Minutes: http://cloud.info.cargill.com/SignUp_For_Mycotoxin_Minutes

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