What does the softening export market to China mean to U.S. producers? Will softening slaughter trends in the U.S. be enough to offset that loss of market?

August 6, 2021


In this episode of Feedstuffs Precision Pork, Dave Bauer, senior market analyst for Provimi, offers some hog market perspective and market highlights for the week as well as provides things to think about in the week ahead.

African swine fever (ASF) became public three years ago in China. While some would question the messaging currently coming out of China, the fact of the matter is that China will indeed achieve pre-ASF status. As a result, U.S. pork exports could be impacted. Fortunately, though, for the U.S. market, as exports to China have softened, so have U.S. slaughter trends. What’s ahead? Bauer explains.

These are uncertain times, and it will pay dividends to be well-prepared. If you have questions on this week’s recap or want to discuss something not covered, feel free to ASK DAVE at [email protected]

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