Elanco announces strategic shift in dairy portfolio focus
Optimizing investment to focus on future innovation, while exploring strategic options for rbST and manufacturing facility in Augusta, Ga.
September 29, 2017
Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly & Co., announced Sept. 29 a strategic shift in its dairy portfolio.
The company said it will optimize investment to focus on future dairy innovations that address the most challenging issues and diseases farmers face in their herds today. Concurrently, Elanco is exploring strategic options for recombinant bovine somatatropin (rbST), including seeking a buyer for the molecule and its Augusta, Ga., manufacturing facility.
The decision will allow the company to focus on new products that help farmers protect animal health, enhance animal care and improve profitability.
“There are still many unmet needs dairy farmers face today, and we are focused on optimizing our investment on new dairy innovation to fill the gaps we see,” Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco, said. “RbST is an important innovation for dairy farmers around the world, bringing substantial benefits to dairy farmers, consumers and the environment for nearly 25 years. As we move forward, we are seeking to shift to new areas of innovation to bring greater future value to the industry.”
Innovation focus
Animal health is dynamic, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the dairy industry, where lactating cows face numerous physiological and metabolic changes that can interfere with energy balance and immune function, Elanco said.