Content Spotlight
2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Carbon sequestration, transportation updates, Farm Dog of the Year contest and more this week.
March 27, 2021
Chad Colby joins Mike Pearson this week. First they discuss carbon sequestration. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack talked in his press conference about differences between carbon bank and carbon market.
Mike Steenhoek, Soy Transportation Coalition, joins Mike to share about international trade, transportation updates and infrastructure.
Mike talks with Naomi Blohm, Total Farm Marketing, this week about markets and what may come with the next USDA report, planting projections, and export sales. Naomi also shares about dairy market, milk production, demand and exports.
Matt Foes, Sheffield, Illinois talks with Chad Colby what his plans are for 21-22. With fertilizer and commodity prices increase, step back and re-evaluate where you are by checking soil. Going with options that will give farmers a good return on investments.
Terri Moore, American Farm Bureau Federation joins Max Armstrong to talk about Farm Dog of the Year contest. Dogs are not only companions to farmers and families but many play intricate rolls on the farms.
Max Armstrong talks with Jean Payne, Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Assn., about the dangers and safety training protocols for anhydrous ammonia.
Greg Soulje is in to share the weekly weather forecast.
Max's Tractor Shed spotlights a 1952 Allis-Chalmers WD and 1969 Allis-Chalmers 190XT owned by Mike Plotner, West Mansfield, Ohio.
Mark Stock shares what's coming up on the auction block for Big Iron Auctions.
Mike Pearson continues the salute the FFA program and this week talks with Cory Miller, Iowa FFA Southwest VP. Cory shares the challenges and adjustments throughout the year with COVID-19. Cory talks about his goals moving forward.
Orion talks about saying goodbye to his 1979 plane “Air Orion” that he used to travel with his crew in this week’s Samuelson Sez.
A look back at Farm Progress Virtual Experience and The Revolution Ditcher by Crary.
This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on
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