This Week in Agribusiness, June 27, 2020This Week in Agribusiness, June 27, 2020

Max Armstrong and Mike Pearson are discussing the spring harvest, markets and grain bin safety.

June 27, 2020

Part 1

Note: The video automatically plays through all show parts once you start.

Max Armstrong starts off with a look at the winter wheat and corn harvest from Chad Colby. Max was in the field in Illinois looking at corn stands with Mike Denton of Hefty Seed Company. Greg Soulje previews the weather report. Darin Newsom of Newsom Analysis joins the show to talk about the new crop corn market, where he’s seeing some disagreement between the USDA and futures contracts.

Part 2

Darin Newsom of Newsom Analysis rejoins Mike Pearson to dig in on the soybean market which is full of volatility, then they turn their attention to livestock trade. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby is looking at the latest technology in combine camera use.

Part 3

Mike introduces a special story from Austin, Minn. about grain bin safety and a dramatic rescue.

Part 4

Max Armstrong talks with Nationwide’s Jason Berkland about their program to provide rescue tubes to rural volunteer fire departments. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje joins Max and Steve to look at the forecast for the week ahead.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max is introducing a 1950 Farmall M from Venezuela. Adrian Gasperin of Turen in, just outside of Caracas. Mike Pearson profiles Chouteau FFA in Chouteau, Oklahoma a chapter chartered in 1937 with a focus on hands-on training. Member Gabriell Wishard tells us about her hog raising for charity. In Samuelson Sez, Orion Samuelson is sharing a feel-good story from Sonny Perdue with some rural infrastructure news. Also some history, Orion lets us know what the biggest technological change he’s seen in rural areas during his lifetime.

Part 7

Max is back on the desk, interviewing Mike Thurow of Spectrum Technologies, who tells us about their product Watchdog, which monitors a variety of field conditions and diseases.

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