This Week in Agribusiness, January 8, 2022This Week in Agribusiness, January 8, 2022

Mike Pearson hears a lot about technology this week. Including John Deere and more at CES and harvesting carbon.

January 8, 2022

Part 1

Mike Pearson kicks off the show with an interview with Mike Wilson, executive editor of Farm Futures about the Farm Futures Boot Camp and Business Summit, coming Jan. 19-21. Next, Mike talks with Joe Camp of Commstock Investments to talk about a couple of interesting weeks in the grain markets, with corn up and down. The also spend some time talking wheat.

Part 2

Joe Camp of Commstock Investments rejoins Mike to talk about soybeans where weather troubles in Brazil. Next they talk about Federal Reserve meeting minutes causing trepidation at the stock market.  In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby is checking in on the Consumer Electronics Show where Agriculture is showing up more every year.

Part 3

Mike introduces another report from Chad Colby at CES. This time talking about autonomous vehicles and the big announcement from John Deere and their new autonomous tractor. Next up, Al Gustin reports from North Dakota on a new way for farmers to declare whether or not they allow hunting on their land.

Part 4

Mike chats about farm management software with Shawn Hock, product lead, corn herbicides, Syngenta. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje joins the show the weekly weather forecast.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max introduces a 1967 Massey Ferguson 1100 owned by Alex Lush, his grandfather first purchased it. In the FFA Chapter Tribute Mike Pearson chats with South Dakota FFA President Tessa Erdmann. She was drawn into FFA through her family and being involved in events. Her project currently involves a herd of 39 goats. In the Samuelson Sez segment, Orion Samuelson is offering his thoughts on planning for the new year.

Part 7

Mike talks with Anastasia Pavlovic, Agoro Carbon Alliance, to discuss how producers can get involved in the carbon markets. Pavlovic will be at the Farm Futures Business Summit.

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