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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
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In this special Christmas broadcast, Max shares the history of several rural churches and communities.
December 25, 2021
This is our special Christmas edition of This Week in Agribusiness and Max Armstrong starts the broadcast in Southeast Missouri where the churches open their doors for the Christmas Country Church Tour. Max joins Glen Brickhouse, Perryville, Missouri, of the local Lutheran church and learns the background of the church. The church opens their doors for 3 services a year as well as the Christmas tour.
The next stop on the Christmas Country Church Tour for Max is the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. Mike & Jean Miller, Perryville, Missouri talks with Max about the history of the church and their memories around the church and congregation. Mike shares that the church only has electricity a few days a week for the Christmas tour and how they come together to decorate the church for the tour.
Mary Jane Buchheit, Apple Creek, Missiouri, shares with Max the history of the Christmas Country Church Tour and how the tour has grown to about 31 churches over the years.
Max takes a detour and visits with Paul and Joan Karb, Sabetha, Kansas about the Christmas traditions of their small rural community, church, as well as their family.
Don Landoll, Marysville, Kansas shares with Max the traditions within his church and community. Don recounts how special this time of year was for him growing up.
Max travels back to Perryville, Missouri to visit with Don Fulford, St. Mary of the Barrens Church and learns the history behind the church and community. Don welcomes those of all faiths to come share the season with them on the tour.
Max travels to St. Mary’s Catholic Church in West Point, Nebraska. Harry Knobbe sits down with Max and shares the history of his community and talks about the livestock in the area along with the opportunities. Harry shares about fundraising events and donations and shares about his rehab after an accident.
Max continues his visit with Harry Knobbe and learns what Christmas was like growing up in rural Nebraska. Harry shares what he feels the church’s roll is to the rural community.
Terry Nelson, Franciscan Healthcare joins Max to talk about the healthcare community and faith that is behind the community. Terry, along with Harry Knobbe, feels that giving is what sets West Point apart. Tina Biteghe Be Ndong, West Point Chamber of Commerce shares about the generosity from the community.
Thank you for allowing us to come into your homes each week and Merry Christmas from us all at This Week in Agribusiness.
This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on
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