Content Spotlight
2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
This week Mike Pearson gets the latest from NCBA, Soybean Board and the Farm Progress Show, which is just a few weeks away.
August 5, 2023
Part 1
Mike Pearson starts off the show with a conversation with the NCBA’s Tanner Beymer about Checkoff challenges and cell-cultured meat. Next a report from Al Gustin in North Dakota about wheat the harvest. Mike talks with Mike Zuzolo, Global Commodity Analytics, about the market activity this week.
Part 2
Mike Zuzolo, Global Commodity Analytics, returns talk more markets. They also check in with livestock. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby is looking at the Farm Progress Show site in Decatur, Ill that features a soybean-based asphalt for the new Varied Industries Tent.
Part 3
Mike and Max introduce the Ag States of America, this time out, host Charlie Behrens profiles Pennsylvania, home of Quakers, mountains, dairy, and mushrooms.
Part 4
Mike interviews Philip Good of the United Soybean Board about their priorities with new funding. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at the weather for the week ahead.
Part 5
Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.
Part 6
In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max shows off a 1960 John Deere 730 D. In the FFA Chapter Tribute segment, Mike talks with Kelby Roberts, Indiana State FFA President. She comes from an FFA family and always felt she was meant to be a leader in the organization.
Part 7
Mike shares that This Week in Agribusiness’ Orion Samuelson’s latest honor, a building named for him on the fairgrounds in McHenry County, Illinois.
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