This Week in Agribusiness, August 19, 2023This Week in Agribusiness, August 19, 2023

This week Max Armstrong is back at the desk, Mike Pearson joins later. We are all in on Farm Shows and crop updates this week.

August 19, 2023

46 Min View

Part 1

Max Armstrong starts off the show with a field report from Gene Millard near St. Joseph, Mo.. Next, Farm Progress senior vice president Don Tourte previews the upcoming Farm Progress Show. Next, Willie Vogt is back with the next installment of Tech at Work. Max talks with Naomi Blohm, Total Farm Marketing, about the market activity this week.

Part 2

Naomi Blohm, Total Farm Marketing, returns talk more markets. They also check in with livestock. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby is talking organization tools for the farm shop.

Part 3

Mike is back on the desk with Curt Woolfolk of Mosaic to talk advanced crop nutrition. Next, Max talks with AGI’s Agi Schafer and Kevin Kalb of Kevin Kalb Farms about a special event at the Farm Progress Show.

Part 4

Mike interviews Ron Kindred, chairman of the Iowa Soybean Association about the new soybean-based asphalt that was recently installed at the Farm Progress Show site in Decatur, Ill. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at the weather for the week ahead.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max shows off a 1948 Farmall H from Bill Burnham of Morris, Ill. In the FFA Chapter Tribute segment, Max talks with Andrew Schulz, Washington State FFA President. He has enjoyed going to Washington, D.C. to meet with governmental representatives and other FFA members.

Part 7

Max talks about the Half Century of Progress show coming up August 24-27 in Rantoul, Ill.

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