This Week in Agribusiness, April 23, 2022This Week in Agribusiness, April 23, 2022

Earth Day and conservation, lobbying for agriculture, and autonomy and electrification are featured topics this week, along with resources to help farmers impacted by wildfires.

April 23, 2022

Ernie Shea, president, Solutions from the Land, joins Mike virtually to talk about the environment, Earth Day and what farmers are doing to conserve and sustain.

At the desk, Joe Camp, director of managed programs, Commstock Investments, talks markets with Mike, including crop supplies, weather concerns and production impact on prices; cold, late, wet planting; wheat condition and demand, China's purchases; soybean demand and prices; cattle prices and more.

Chad Colby got monitor questions after a feature on one grower's planting setup, so he's sharing the setup on this week's ag tech segment.

Max visits with Steve Pitstick, Indiana Soybean Association, about lobbying for agriculture in Washington, D.C., and the importance of meeting with lawmakers to talk about issues.

Scott Harris, global president, Case IH, talks with Max about where the industry, and company, is going, including electrification, automation, data and more.

Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week.

Greg Soulje is back with an extended weather outlook.

There's a 1952 Farmall Super M in Max's Tractor Shed.

Mark Stock shares what's coming across the block at Big Iron Auctions.

The FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Brady Lawson, Kentucky State FFA secretary.

Orion Samuelson shares confessions in Samuelson Sez, including the bad habits he's developed in retirement, but also what he's learned from commercials. He also shares that the home on the farm he grew up on has burned down.

Mike shares footage of wildfires in Nebraska, as well as resources to help the farmers impacted by those fires.

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