This Week in Agribusiness, April 18, 2020This Week in Agribusiness, April 18, 2020

Mike Pearson is manning the desk this week and Max Armstrong is hosting from home as we talk about COVID-19’s continuing impact on agriculture with a special focus on livestock.

April 18, 2020

Part 1

Note: The video automatically plays through all show parts once you start.

Max Armstrong starts off with an interview with Dr. Richard Raymond, former under secretary for agriculture. Greg Soulje checks in with Mike Pearson hosting at the desk on some wild weather from the last week and sneak peek at this week’s weather. Tommy Grisafi of Advance Trading joins Mike to talk about the markets. How bad was this week’s news for pork, which was tough and how does the DJIA rally affect the livestock markets?

Part 2

Tommy Grisafi of Advance Trading rejoins Mike to talk about the hits ethanol took and what that means to the bottom for corn, then a quick turn to China trade. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby takes on the small camera market, specifically the latest GoPros.

Part 3

Mike Pearson starts off the segment with another appearance by Chad Colby who takes a look at this week’s wild weather impact on planting. Mike introduces a report from Jamie Johansen, talking with Danny Shilling about stock dogs.

Part 4

Mike Pearson introduces Max’s chat with Blayne Arthur, Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture who talks about COVID-19’S impact on the beef industry. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje joins Max and Steve to look at the forecast for the week ahead.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed,  Max introduces a 1962 Massey Ferguson 35 owned by Jeremy Hughes of Lisbon, North Dakota which made a long run to circle back to his family. Mike Pearson profiles Fredericktown FFA in Fredericktown, Ohio, a small but mighty club that has an outsized impact on the national stage.  Member Falon Smith is proud to wear the blue jacket and not just because her chapter is the home of the iconic FFA fashion statement. In Samuelson Sez, Orion Samuelson is wondering when the coronavirus will go away so state conventions, state fairs and other meetings can get moving in this uncertain time.

Part 7

Mike Pearson introduces a conversation Max had recently with Kathryn Miller, @the_meat_lady about coronavirus impact on meat consumers. The Max interviews Dena Morgan of the Farm Progress Show where the show planning continues with the corn about to go in and alfalfa already planted. For more information go to

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