New research provides insight on whole-ham sales
Many consumers see ham as only a holiday food item.
December 14, 2016
For many people, preparing a whole ham is one of their go-to choices for family gatherings on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, but beyond holidays, whole ham usually doesn’t make the shopping list. As such, the pork checkoff recently funded a study to find and eliminate barriers that are stopping consumers from enjoying whole hams year-round.
“Holidays and ham go hand in hand for most consumers, and with new ham innovations, there are real opportunities to increase sales throughout the year,” National Pork Board president Jan Archer said.
Six focus groups were held across the country in Boston, Mass.; Chicago, Ill., and Orange County, Cal., to gather input from both “foodies” and non-foodies. Additionally, 1,100 consumers completed an online survey.
The findings clearly showed that taste issues are not what is holding back non-holiday whole-ham purchases, with the protein viewed as a savored meat. Many focus group participants became animated and engaged in conversations about preparing and consuming ham. Many described their enjoyment of leftover ham as an important part of the whole-ham experience.
“What I love (about leftovers) is that late-night thing where you’re hungry and you go to the refrigerator and just get a slice of ham and eat it standing there. … That is the best,” one participant said.
While enthusiastic about whole hams, consumers in the focus groups and the online surveys feel like it is for the holidays. This matches whole-ham consumer consumption data from previous years, according to Patrick Fleming, director of market intelligence and innovation for the pork checkoff.
When asked, most respondents could not recall seeing whole hams in supermarkets outside of the typical ham holidays. They also did not recall seeing any summer ham promotions in their grocery store.
“To me, ham is a cold-weather comfort food, but I have also never thought about grilling it,” another respondent said. “Ham seems to be only available around Easter and Christmas.”
“The bottom line is that the issue is not with hams but instead is with how whole hams are marketed – or not marketed – outside of holiday seasons,” Fleming said. “When consumers don’t see it in stores, there’s an out-of-sight/out-of-mind mentality.”
The good news is that this presents new opportunities to grow the total pork category in sales and volume at the meat case, Fleming said.
Some of the insights include:
Cooking method. More than 90% of consumers said baking was the number-one method for preparing a ham.
“Consumers need to know that they can use other preparation methods, such as grilling, barbecuing, smoking and microwaving,” Fleming said.
Prep time. Respondents said they spend a significant amount of time preparing ham, with an average time of 2.55 hours for a whole ham, while 51% spend three to five hours or more preparing ham.
“These results show that most consumers still think of ham as ready to cook,” Fleming said. “We need to share that today, whole hams are precooked, need little prep and have drastically shorter cooking times, making this protein an easy choice for everyday meals.”
Portion size. Respondents equated preparing a whole ham with feeding a large group for holidays.
“Today’s consumers are interested in smaller portions for everyday meal planning,” Fleming said. “Several national retailers are focusing on smaller ham sizes, providing a fit for smaller households and Millennial shoppers. It is encouraging to see retailers embrace new ideas in ham merchandising.”
New flavors. Respondents were intrigued by new flavor profiles for hams, identifying sweet and spicy flavoring as the most appealing. Some of the suggested flavors included fruit flavors, sriracha, hickory, sweet and spicy, jerked and cracked pepper.
“New ham innovations in supermarket meat cases are helping introduce whole ham to a new generation of consumers,” Archer said. “Pork checkoff will continue to work with our retail food partners to encourage whole-ham promotions throughout the year.”
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