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RIC2Discover measures individual feed intake of dairy and beef cattle.
November 4, 2020
Hokofarm Group has launched RIC2Discover, a new product created to measure the individual feed intake of dairy and beef cattle.
The RIC (roughage intake control) system can be installed in existing and new barns. It is modular in construction, very robust and extremely durable, in order to guarantee a long, trouble-free life with low maintenance costs, according to Arnold van Leeuwen, business unit manager of Hokofarm Group. The system is easy to use for both the cow and the day-to-day user. The feed-weigh trough combines with an intelligent feeding gate to gather individual cow data regarding feed intake. The system can be expanded with water-weigh troughs and animal-weigh scales to gather even more individual cow data.
Restricted and ad libitum feeding practices both can be measured, van Leeuwen said. When a cow approaches one of the feed-weigh troughs, the system identifies the animal, and data recording starts. The system then measures the eating period and continuous feed intake. The management software registers the cow’s individual data on feed and water intake and eating time.
If desired, the system can be extended with concentrate feed stations, weighing station and automatic selection. It also offers the option to link to a milking system, heat detection and other subjects. The software is accessible via computer or mobile device.
"Important topics like feed efficiency, feed saved trait, feed cost reduction, emission reduction etc. have to be addressed and researched to get the necessary data to come up with answers and solutions. The RIC2Discover system gives the possibly to do the necessary research to collect the data to find the answers for the solutions for the genetic companies, feed manufacturing companies, pharmaceutical companies and not to forget the dairy farmers. There is a lot 2Discover," said van Leeuwen.
Hokofarm Group, based in the Netherlands, has more than 30 years of experience and knowledge in the field on feed efficiency. It is part of global research programs from leading facilities and universities around the world.
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