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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
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MS Biotec recently conducted six, large-pen feedyard studies to examine the use of LactiproNXT® at terminal processing
May 1, 2022
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While all feedyards report total feeding-period death loss, few evaluate the death-loss rate between terminal processing and harvest. After terminal processing, death loss becomes even more costly to the feedyard, so it's a crucial period for ensuring a positive return on investments.
LactiproNXT®, a lactic acid utilizer that supports healthy rumen function, is a management tool feedyards use following the stress of reimplanting and the reestablishment of social order that occurs when cattle are sorted. Mark Corrigan, MS Biotec technical director, said, “When our commercial studies indicated reduced death loss with the use of Lactipro following terminal processing, we wanted to further evaluate the correlation.”
MS Biotec recently conducted six, large-pen feedyard studies to examine the use of LactiproNXT at terminal processing. The data represented 142 pens and 14,551 head of cattle. The studies measured live and carcass performance and evaluated post-terminal processing mortality.
Terminal processing trial results
The pooled analysis of the six trials indicated that the mortality rate of cattle given LactiproNXT at terminal processing was 30 percent less than control cattle. This difference was statistically significant. With a late-day dead cost of $1,790 per animal that dies, LactiproNXT administered at terminal processing provides a positive return on investment after 55 days on feed post-terminal processing. (See charts below)
Correlation between Lactipro and death loss
“A singular cause of death is often assigned by the feedlot, but the actual cause could be multifactorial. Acidotic insults may be one of the challenges,” said Corrigan. “Megasphaera elsdenii or `Mega e' is the ruminal bacterium in Lactipro. Its mode of action is well-understood. Mega e metabolizes the majority of lactic acid produced in the rumen of cattle fed high-grain diets.”
Lactipro provides additional benefits beyond reducing the costly impacts of mortality during the final finishing period. Lactipro also enables beef producers to support healthy rumen pH and improve profitability by shortening the step-up to finishing feed, reducing stress of terminal processing, and easing transitions of sick cattle back to their home pen.
LactiproNXT is an easy-to-use drench that can be used for feedlot cattle, cows, and calves. LactiproNXT comes in two package sizes: 200 mL and 1,000 mL pouches. Visit to learn more about Lactipro.
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