BioZyme develops natural silage additiveBioZyme develops natural silage additive

AmaSile designed to minimize nutrient loss and speed up fermentation of silage.

April 20, 2016

1 Min Read
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BioZyme Inc. has developed a natural silage additive, AmaSile, that is scientifically formulated to reduce the time silage requires to properly ferment, to minimize nutrient loss and to reduce spoilage by undesirable bacteria.

"AmaSile works to stimulate the growth and development of beneficial microorganisms that speed up and stabilize the fermentation process," BioZyme area sales manager Dorothy Orts said. "The results are a stable, highly palatable and more digestible silage that promotes feed and energy intake and improves animal performance. Producers who use it appreciate how cool the silage stays right after chopping and how fresh it remains until the pile is gone."

In ideal conditions, lactic acid bacteria grow rapidly by utilizing the sugar in fresh forage. These efficient bacteria quickly use the sugar to produce lactic acid. The production of lactic acid lowers pH levels of silage and protects it from unwanted microbial growth, such as molds and Listeria monocytogenes, during fermentation.

AmaSile contains metabolites produced from a proprietary fermentation product and, unlike silage inoculants, does not contain live microorganisms, so it remains stable throughout storage and application.

AmaSile can be used on any forage in any storage area, including piles, bags and pits. The recommended application is 1 oz. per ton of treated silage. AmaSile is available in a 2.5 gal. size, which can treat up to 320 tons.

For more information about AmaSile, visit

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