This Week in Agribusiness, Oct. 9, 2021This Week in Agribusiness, Oct. 9, 2021

Inflation, feed costs, farmer concerns and fungicide ROI and farm lending are topics covered this week.

October 9, 2021

National Corn Growers Association named new leadership, and new president Chris Edgington talks with Mike and Max about those duties and priorities.

At World Dairy Expo, Max spoke with Tanner Ehmke, Cobank, about the inflation of feed costs for dairy farmers, as well as other farm concerns and costs.

Tommy Grisafi, Advance Trading, talks with Mike and Max about markets, including crude oil and natural gas, grain prices, export demand, yield surprises, soybean markets, corn prices, fertilizer impact on prices, cattle market and more.

Chad Colby talks about the new iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Joe Gill, KASM radio, Minnesota, joins Max and Mike to talk about what he's hearing from farmers in the state and the value of World Dairy expo and other events.

In the Plan Smart, Grow Smart segment, Andy Kapp, Clarksdale, Missouri, talks about his use of fungicide and the ROI.

Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week.

Greg Soulje is back with an extended weather outlook.

There's a 1966 Massey Ferguson 180 in Max's Tractor Shed.

Mark Stock shares what's coming across the block at Big Iron Auctions.

The FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Abigail Stuckwisch, Indiana State Southern Region vice president.

Orion talks about neighborly support from fellow farmers when tragedy strikes a farm, in Samuelson Sez.

Keir Renick, Farmop Capital talks about farm lending and what's happening in that sector right now.


This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on

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