Of pigs and men: Best-laid plans for prevention and control of African swine feverOf pigs and men: Best-laid plans for prevention and control of African swine fever

We talk infectious disease control and prevention with Dr. Jishu Shi of Kansas State University.

Ann Hess, Content Director

January 23, 2025

The spread of high-risk human and animal diseases across borders in the last five years has clearly demonstrated that the best-laid plans can go wrong when it comes to infectious disease control and prevention. In fact, North American and European countries proved decades ago that swine diseases like ASF and classical swine fever can be eradicated through effective government policies, even without ideal vaccines. However, the world has since changed.

Joining our Ann Hess to discuss this topic and more from the PRRS Symposium in Chicago is Dr. Jishu Shi of Kansas State University.

Dr. Jishu Shi's research team develops vaccine adjuvants, novel diagnostic assays and vaccines for swine infectious diseases. Specifically, his team focuses research on African swine fever (ASF), Streptococcus suis, swine influenza virus (SIV), classical swine fever (CSF), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), and other emerging infectious diseases of swine.

This episode of Feedstuffs in Focus is sponsored by United Animal Health, a leader in animal health and nutrition. You can learn more about United Animal Health and how they are working to advance animal science worldwide by visiting the website at UnitedANH.com

About the Author

Ann Hess

Content Director, National Hog Farmer

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