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Latest measure of PRRS shows mounting cost for pork producersLatest measure of PRRS shows mounting cost for pork producers
The lastest measurement of the economic impact of PRRS on the pork industry shows the virus continues to significantly impact the bottom line of producers, according to a new analysis out of Iowa State University.
July 26, 2024
The last time the estimated economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, or PRRS, was investigated was in 2013. What is the current impact of the disease on herd health and production?
Feedstuffs Ann Hess caught up with Drs. Henry Osemeke and Derald Holtkamp of Iowa State University during this week’s Iowa Swine Day to find out more.
This episode of Feedstuffs in Focus is sponsored by United Animal Health, a leader in animal health and nutrition. You can learn more about United Animal Health and how they are working to advance animal science worldwide by visiting the website at UnitedANH.com
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