New poultry virus threatening the Thanksgiving tableNew poultry virus threatening the Thanksgiving table

Turkey egg sets and turkey meat inventories lower ahead of the holiday.

Krissa Welshans

October 23, 2024

3 Min Read

A new virus is threatening the Thanksgiving table this year, according to an economist with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

For the past couple years, the poultry industry has been fighting highly pathogenic avian influenza, but now it is also contending with avian metapneumovirus (aMPV). The virus, which has severely affected flocks in Arkansas, affects the upper respiratory system and has been detected in turkeys, broilers, layers and breeders, explained Jada Thompson.

The virus was first detected in turkeys in South Africa in 1978. In addition to killing birds, the disease is associated with reduced egg production and soft-or thin-shelled eggs, said Dustan Clark, extension poultry veterinarian for the Division of Agriculture.

According to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, two previously unseen subtypes of the virus — subtypes A and B — were found in California turkeys in late 2023 and confirmed in January from turkeys and broilers in Virginia and North Carolina respectively. Subtype C has not existed in the U.S. in recent years until now – the last time it was reported was in the late '90s.

Lowest since 1998

The Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture said that June 1 inventories of turkey eggs in incubators was at 22.8 million — the lowest level since 1988.

Placements of newly hatched birds in facilities to be raised to slaughter weight were down in June by 18% year-over-year, with February 2024 the only month since 2005 with lower placements.

As of early October, turkey egg sets — eggs that were put in an incubator for hatching — were down 8%, said Thompson.

“That’s a pretty big loss,” she said. “You are nearing 10% of our eggs that won’t result in turkeys to be raised for meat.”

That’s in addition to the loss of already hatched turkeys produced for meat. “In August, we were down 11% in turkey meat,” Thompson said.

Despite the declines, the National Turkey Federation said frozen turkeys make their way to warehouses well in advance of the season, "so there will be an ample supply of turkeys available for consumers to purchase this holiday season."

Furthermore, retailers may soften the impact. While Thanksgiving might revolve around turkey, the traditional holiday feast also includes a lot of other elements.

“A lot of times retailers compensate a little bit. They’ll absorb some of those losses in the turkey price in order to get the other sales,” Thompson said.

By other sales, Thompson means that when a shopper goes to the store for holiday meal ingredients, “you’re buying eggs and milk and bread, and you’re buying the stuffing and potatoes and yams and the marshmallows, and green beans and all of the things that go with a traditional Thanksgiving meal,” she said. “So, if I’m selling you all the other goods, I don’t have to have as much profit on the turkey. It can be something of a ‘loss leader.’”

Protecting the flock

Because symptoms of aMVP can mimic those of other infections, such as avian flu or mycoplasma, diagnostic testing is crucial, Clark said. Diagnostic testing can include examining swabbed respiratory system or blood samples.

Flock owners need to use solid biosecurity practices to guard against aMVP and other infections. As in avian flu, wild birds can transmit the disease.

“We do know direct contact has been seen as transmission,” he said. “Standard biosecurity is going to help you keep aMPV from being brought in.”

Other practices include “wearing coveralls, cleaning and disinfecting equipment, boots and things like that is going to help,” Clark said. “There are vaccines in other countries, but we do not have them here.”

In August, Merck Animal Health announced that the USDA had approved the manufacturing and sale of Cambridge Technology’s experimental autogenous vaccine in the U.S. for AMVP type B.

Ivan Alvarado, D.V.M., innovation discovery livestock technical services for Merck Animal Health, said the vaccines developed by Cambridge Technologies stimulate immunity with the right antigenic concentration. “Due to the use of oil and water emulsion, these vaccines have demonstrated low tissue reaction in birds following vaccination, which has been associated with less adverse effects on body weight gain and uniformity.”

About the Author

Krissa Welshans

Krissa Welshans grew up on a crop farm and cow-calf operation in Marlette, Michigan. Welshans earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Michigan State University and master’s degree in public policy from New England College. She and her husband Brock run a show cattle operation in Henrietta, Texas, where they reside with their son, Wynn.

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