The winter ahead: Developing La Nina to impact much of the nationThe winter ahead: Developing La Nina to impact much of the nation

Colder and stormier conditions expected across the North but warmer and calmer conditions across the South.

Greg Soulje, Meteorologist

October 31, 2024

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A La Niña refers to the periodic cooling of ocean surface temperatures in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean. Typically, La Nina events occur every three to five years or so but on occasion can occur over successive years.

La Nina weakened last spring into early summer but began to show signs of strengthening again late this summer as negative temperature anomalies returned to the equatorial Pacific Ocean.

About the Author

Greg Soulje


Greg Soulje brings over 30 years of experience as an agricultural broadcast meteorologist. He shares his insight on multiple media platforms ranging from traditional television, print, and radio formats to webcasting. Greg's reliable forecasts are seen every week on “This Week in Agribusiness,” with Mike Pearson and Max Armstrong. He is also heard daily on over 300+ stations in a dozen states across the Nation’s heartland.

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