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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Acquisition price of assets is 235 million reals.
April 27, 2019
JBS S.A. has announced that its controlled entity, Seara Alimentos Ltda., along with Adelle Indústria de Alimentos Ltda. and other guarantor parties, signed on April 25 a sale and purchase of assets and other adjustments agreement to acquire a pork processing plant, including its integration system, located in the city of Seberi in Brazil's state of Rio Grande do Sul.
The acquisition price of the assets is 235 million reals and will be paid by Seara as follows: (1) 80 million reals through a transfer of the Frederico Refrigerated Pork Plant, located in the city of Frederico Westphalen in Rio Grande do Sul; (2) 115 million reals through debt assumption, and (3) 40 million reals in local currency.
The conclusion of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Brazilian Antitrust Authority, among other usual conditions.
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