Coalition wants continued soy use for food in militaryCoalition wants continued soy use for food in military

Agricultural stakeholders submit comments to Defense Logistics Agency on soy in military dining.

December 27, 2018

1 Min Read
Coalition wants continued soy use for food in military

An expanded coalition of more than 20 stakeholders, including the American Soybean Assn. (ASA), submitted comments to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) as part of an ongoing effort to maintain the use of soy in military dining.

In August 2017, DLA Troop Support announced a prohibition of several important and commonly used food ingredients. Because that prohibition lacked scientific justification, food industry stakeholders, including manufacturers and growers, were surprised by it and expressed concern directly to DLA Troop Support and Congress. In September 2017, the prohibitions were rescinded.

This critical effort is now being joined by farm groups and food companies that recognize that the lack of a transparent process in procurement for the U.S. Department of Defense poses a challenge to the entire food industry. New groups joining the effort on these comments included the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council, the American Farm Bureau Federation and The Sugar Assn.

Among other suggestions, the coalition recommends that DLA publish a notice of intent in theĀ Federal RegisterĀ inviting comments before issuing a notice of proposed rule-making; that they should seek alignment on nutrition policy with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food & Drug Administration and other departments, as appropriate, and that any ingredient limits or bans should be based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as well as publicly available, peer-reviewed scientific publications, which should be cited in connection with proposed restrictions.

Read the full letter here.

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