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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
$43 million facility will produce more than 8,500 tons of feed weekly.
February 29, 2024
Wayne-Sanderson Farms is constructing a state-of-the-art feed mill at the company’s Danville, Arkansas, Fresh Processing Complex, and it’s not just chicken feed. Purpose-designed and built to serve 125 family farm partners in the region, the new mill will provide complete nutrition solutions for local farmers. The $43 million facility will be located on 21 acres adjacent to the main processing facility and has the capacity to produce more than 8,500 tons of feed weekly. In addition to serving regional poultry farms, the company expects corn and other grain products will be purchased from local farmers, creating an even larger fiscal impact from the new mill.
“Farming and poultry are the economic drivers here,” said Toby Tapp, Danville complex manager and long-time local resident. “Poultry is big business in Yell County and across the region. We just took the mayor, city administrator, county judge and other officials on a tour of the construction site and we’re getting lots of support—the entire community is excited to see construction begin.”
In the small community of Danville, the mill’s main tower will be one of the most visible landmarks in the area. Nearly 380 truckloads or 2,450 cubic yards of concrete will be continuously poured using the slipped-form method and will be finished in about a week once pouring begins. Separate grain silos will be erected this spring, and Tapp expects the entire facility to be finished and serving local farmers by April 2025.
The new facility will be able to mix a variety of feed formulations using corn, soybean meal, minerals and vitamins to meet a full range of dietary requirements, from baby chick feed to broiler, pullet and hen formulas. Set up with two dedicated receiving systems capable of unloading 26,500 bushels of corn or soy grain per hour, the mill will also feature expanded storage for ingredients, finished feed, whole grains, liquids and warehouse space for stored inventory. Twin pellet mills have the ability to produce feed at 45 tons per hour and the mill can mix and batch feed at 160 tons per hour. With a 10-minute load time for outbound feed trucks, the mill will feature emergency generators, mill automation and lighting/HVAC systems, a requirement to ensure ongoing operations during severe weather events and potential power outages.
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