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Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong talk trade, markets, technology and farm safety
September 21, 2019
Note: Start the video and all parts will play through as the full show
Part 1
Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong are talking crop maturity and the frost timing with Agriculture Meteorologist Greg Soulje who also notes a wetter pattern is emerging. And there’s news that four previous Secretaries of Agriculture who came together to push for passage of the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement, replacement for NAFTA. Orion and Max talk markets with Jerry Gulke, Gulke Group, who is keeping an eye on the unknowns for this crop market.
Part 2
Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong continue their market conversation with Jerry Gulke, Gulke Group. . In Colby Agtech, Chad Colby shares some farm safety insights ahead of the bulk of the 2019 harvest season. Max talks with Tom Brand, executive director, National Association of Farm Broadcasting, who discusses the continued value of local radio stations. And Orion and Max shares information about the “Nominate your Harvest Hero” by Mosaic MicroEssentials. Learn more at
Part 3
Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong open this segment with a look back at vintage technology. From the Half Century of Progress Show, there’s a report of steam equipment at work with a report from Dave Gentry, WDWS Radio.
Part 4
Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong talk farm safety in light of the recently passed National Farm Safety Week. Orion and Max talk about the dangers of Eastern Equine Encephalitis, which can be a debilitating disease and it’s spread by mosquitoes. And they discuss Michigan families impacted by the disease. Orion talks about his most recent fair visit – the Clay County Fair in Spencer, Iowa – which has a hardy focus on agriculture. Ag Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at weather for the week ahead.
Part 5
Ag Meteorologist Greg Soulje offers his extended look at the weather including his four-week forecast.
Part 6
In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max shares the story of a 1966 Minneapolis Moline M670 owned by Brad Eike, Plainfield, Ill. The tractor has an interesting innovation to provide an improvement in operator comfort. Orion Samuelson profiles Los Banos FFA in Los Banos, Calif., which has a fund-raiser that supports an interesting cause. Member Emmanuel Marquez shares some benefits he sees from being part of this active chapter. In Samuelson Sez, Orion Samuelson shares his thoughts on “Big Oil vs. Corn” where the oil industry is fighting against ethanol in gasoline, yet farmers are big oil users too. His advice: “Quit picking on corn farmers.”
Part 7
Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong wrap up this week’s episode with more from Max’s recent tour of the CNH Industrial combine plant in Grand Island, Neb., where Case IH and New Holland combines are made. And a favorite of Max’s was the application of the decals of those big machines.
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