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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Max Armstrong and Chad Colby have a lot to sift through as a dramatic harvest season rolls on.
October 19, 2019
Part 1
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Max Armstrong and Chad Colby kick off the show with a chat with Greg Soulje to talk about weather affecting harvest. Chad reports on what he saw out running combines this last week. Max talked with Corteva’s Doug Reynolds about how digital can help in tough years. Mike Pearson of Zaner Group joins Max and Chad to talk about the extremely challenging harvest and its effect on markets.
Part 2
Mike Pearson of Zaner Group rejoins Max and Chad to turn their attention to livestock, where there’s been some good news. Chad Colby in the Colby Ag Tech segment discusses the importance of keeping your equipment upgraded. Next, Ashley Anderson of Valley irrigation answers questions about their latest offerings from Max.
Part 3
Orion Samuelson reports from the World Dairy Expo where he talks with Dairy Woman of the Year, Janina Siemers. Paul Behrends tells us how he turned a passion for old-school windmills int a business.
Part 4
Max interviews FMC’s Gail Stratman who touts the company’s focus on crop protection. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje joins Max and Orion to look at the forecast for the week ahead.
Part 5
Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.
Part 6
In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max introduces a 1976 John Deere 4630 owned by Steve and Joan Voda in Janesville, Wisconsin. This superbly restored tractor looks brand new. Max Armstrong profiles Malcom Bridge Middle FFA in Bogart, GA which serves its teachers an appreciation breakfast. Member Peyton Cooper talks about other ways they engage their school community.
Part 7
In the BASF Plan Smart, Grow Smart segment, Max talks with Luke Veren of Van Cleve, Iowa about how his 2019 season went.
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