This Week in Agribusiness, Jan. 14, 2023This Week in Agribusiness, Jan. 14, 2023

The AFBF annual meeting, new tech from CES, a Cattlemen’s Congress recap, interest rate and land insights, as well as the Farm Futures Summit, are highlights this week.

January 14, 2023

46 Min View

Farmers across the country were in Puerto Rico for the American Farm Bureau Association annual meeting, and Mike shares highlights. 

Mike is joined by Dr. Matt Roberts, senior grain and oilseed analyst, Terrain, to talk markets, including USDA reports; South American estimates; wheat acreage and conditions; and soybean cuts, exports and prospects. 

In the ag tech segment, Chad Colby shares more finds from CES, from John Deere tech, wearable tech and several robots. 

Ray Brownfield, Land Pro LLC, joins Max at the desk to talk about the impact of interest rates on assets and farmland, as well as risk and farmland quality. 

Mike talks with Ron Hays, Radio Oklahoma Network, to talk about the recent Cattlemen’s Congress, industry economics, herd liquidation and producer sentiment. 

Willie Vogt, Farm Progress, joins the broadcast to visit with Max about the upcoming Farm Futures Summit

Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week, and an outlook. 

There’s a Silo Farmall in Max’s Tractor Shed. 

Mark Stock shares the lineup for BigIron Auctions. 

The FFA Tribute goes to Mackenna Clifton, National FFA Southern Region vice president. 

Mike shares the Farm Dog of the Year award from the American Farm Bureau. The winner this year is Tough and belongs to Denny and Donna Ashcraft in Kansas. 

This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on  

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