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Max Armstrong hosts the year-end show which includes Orion Samuelson's annual talk with the Secretary of Agriculture
December 28, 2019
Note: Start the video and all parts will play through as the full show
Part 1
Max Armstrong opens this special year-end edition of the show including the annual tradition of Orion Samuelson talking with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. During this special show, Max also talks with farm broadcasters from around the country to get their year-end perspective. Max kicks off those talks with Steve Bridge, WFMB Radio, Springfield, Ill., about the kind of year 2019 was for many farmers. Max also talks with Alan Watts, WKDZ Radio, Cadiz, Ky., offered his look at the year for farmers in his part of the country. Greg Soulje reviews the weather farmers faced during the 2019 growing season; and he offers a drought outlook for 2020.
Part 2
Max Armstrong keeps talking with Greg Soulje who takes a look at the weather going into 2020 including a look at how the early winter will unfold. Max talks with Duane Murley, KWMT, Fort Dodge, Iowa, who looks back at the growing season for the state. In the FFA Chapter Tribute, Max profiles two chapters including Ariton FFA, Ariton, Ala., which is involved with a range of community projects. Member Korbin Adams shares insight on work of the group's work including a greenhouse run by the chapter. And Gentry FFA, Gentry, Arkansas gets profiled. Member Bailey Lemke shares her work with an SAE project showing livestock.
Part 3
Max Armstrong talks with Mike Pearson, Zaner Group, to get some perspective on 2019 for the Iowa farmers in his part of the country. In Colby Ag Tech, Chad Colby reviews some of the technology he found during 2019.
Part 4
Max Armstrong opens this segment introducing Orion Samuelson who has his annual conversation with the Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. Orion has been introducing Secretaries of Agriculture for more than 40 years. Sec. Perdue talks about trade and the work of the Trump Administration to reset the relationship with China. He also discusses other trade opportunities as well.
Part 5
Orion Samuelson continues his conversation with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. In this segment, Perdue discusses what he's hearing from farmers during the listening sessions he's conducted. He notes USDA is a service organization and he wants to hear from farmers. They even discuss the challenge of proper labeling for consumers.
Part 6
Orion Samuelson continues his conversation with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue including the upcoming Ag Outlook Conference and the focus for that annual meeting. Perdue talks about the digitization of agriculture and how farmers are putting data to work in new ways. He also discusses the potential for agriculture's role in capturing carbon through improved soil health.
Part 7
A year-end tradition continues with Samuelson Sez being turned over to The Secretary Sez where Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue can speak to the audience. He shares his knowledge of the challenge of 2019 and hopes for a better 2020.
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