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2024 Feedstuffs Feed Ingredient Analysis Table
It's back! Feedstuffs has updated its feed ingredient analysis values table of more than 100 commonly used feed ingredients.
Peak will continue to be Vortex’s representative in Colorado and New Mexico.
April 6, 2022
Vortex Global, a solids and bulk handling components company, is pleased to announce Peak Equipment as its official representative for the state of Wyoming. In addition to Wyoming, Peak will continue to be Vortex’s representative in Colorado and New Mexico and will be responsible for creating customer relationships, arranging site visits, and following up on Vortex customer inquiries received in the three states.
Peak Equipment is a family run, full-service manufacturer’s representative agency based in Mead, Colo. and was established in 1994. They specialize in design and sales for several leading manufacturers of processing and packaging equipment.
“Vortex is excited to have Peak Equipment represent our Vortex line of gates, diverters and loading spouts in Wyoming,” said Shawn Opat, director of regional sales. “Peak has had an excellent track record representing our products in Colorado and New Mexico, and we look forward to seeing what Peak will do for us in this part of the country.”
Peak Equipment offers its clients slide gates, diverter valves and loading spouts for the handling of dry bulk solid materials from the Vortex Global line of products.
For the past 27 years, Peak Equipment has built a reputation of consistency and stability by providing their customers with the added value and benefits of their experience. Peak’s goal is to provide customers with successful solutions which exceed their needs by providing value through service and innovation.
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