Non-invasive in ovo chick sexing technology debuts in U.S.Non-invasive in ovo chick sexing technology debuts in U.S.

Technology determines sex of chicks in brown layer eggs before hatch in a significant development for the U.S. egg industry.

December 16, 2024

3 Min Read

In a groundbreaking development for the U.S. egg industry, an Iowa hatchery has become the first site to offer an automated in ovo sex determining solution in the nation, according to a news release from Agri Advanced Technologies GmbH (AAT). An identical machine is also operational at a hatchery in Texas. Chicks from the hatchery were expected to go to their first customer – NestFresh Eggs – by Dec. 13, 2024, putting eggs sourced from in ovo-sexed hens into the marketplace by June 2, 2025.

The machine, called Cheggy, is the first non-invasive in ovo sex determining technology of its kind to determine the sex of a chick before hatching, which is a cost-effective process that integrates into existing production lines. The technology was created by Germany-based AAT. With two high-volume Cheggy machines in Texas and Iowa, AAT said it can now respond to customer demand in the U.S.

Cheggy is a cutting-edge solution with a high accuracy rate, according to AAT. Utilizing hyperspectral measurement technology, the innovative system identifies differences in the measured light spectra to accurately classify the gender based on feather color. Because the technology is non-invasive, it bears no risk of contamination, ensuring the quality and safety of the embryos throughout the sorting process, the company added.

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Currently, male chicks from layer lines cannot be used in egg or meat production, and in ovo sexing is the key to addressing this difficult challenge, AAT said.

"The Cheggy technology is an innovative and exciting solution for an age-old challenge within the egg industry," said Jasen Urena, vice president of NestFresh Eggs. "Proudly known as a pioneer in humane and sustainable egg production, NestFresh is thrilled to be the first to implement this technology and bring in ovo sexed eggs to the U.S. market."

"We are thrilled to introduce this revolutionary non-invasive in ovo sexing technology to the United States," said Jörg Hurlin, managing director of AAT. "The high accuracy rate and unparalleled efficiency of this machine will undoubtedly transform the egg production industry with growing demand for welfare and sustainability practices in the poultry industry."

Regarding sustainability, the company said this non-invasive technology requires no expensive consumables and, therefore, produces no non-recyclable waste. Additionally, the machine's compact design requires minimal space, occupying less than 322 sq. ft.

An unveiling event for the Cheggy technology took place on Dec. 10, bringing together industry leaders from the AAT and NestFresh teams to witness a live demonstration of the machine. Cheggy has the capability to sort up to 25,000 brown layer hatching eggs per hour and unit, which can significantly increase efficiency and productivity for hatcheries, according to AAT.

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In 2019, AAT started the transformation process with its Cheggy in Germany and France and is now the market leader for in ovo sex determination of brown layer lines in Europe, with 12 units in seven countries, the news release noted.

AAT develops specialized application technologies for poultry breeding and husbandry, including machines for in ovo sexing, sorting and vaccination equipment for broiler breeding or technical solutions for egg disinfection, for example. As part of a global network, AAT works closely with all parties involved in the value chain as well as in research, regularly cooperating with external institutions such as universities, research service providers as well as agricultural organizations, producers and commercial enterprises.

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