Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference offers virtual viewing

Offering includes recorded presentations of plenary sessions.

July 20, 2023

1 Min Read

If you were unable to attend the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference in person, there is an option to receive the information as part of the virtual “Best of” 2023 conference offering. The virtual offering includes recorded presentations of all the Four State Conference plenary sessions in addition to the pre-conference and breakfast sessions. All questions, answers and discussion are also included.

Phibro’s pre-conference symposium focuses on strategies to improve profits. Norm St. Pierre, of Perdue Agribusiness, will provide an overview the dairy economic outlook. Adrian Barragan, of Penn State University, will cover peri-partum inflammation. Cornell University professor Sabine Mann will discuss factors that affect colostrum production and quality and Jessica McArt, also from Cornell University, will discuss how to manage fresh cows to reduce disease incidence.

Four State conference plenary speakers include University of Guelph’s Mike Steele discussed new concepts in prenatal and neonatel calf care. Eduardo Ribeiro, also with University of Guelph, talked about the economics of transition cow health and Norm St. Pierre explained the goofy things we do in dairy nutrition that are penny wise and dollar foolish.

The other plenary session focuses on feeding in robotic milking systems. Marcia Endres and Jim Salfer discussed feeding in robotic milking systems dairy producers Sam Fessenden and Jake Peissig discussed their robot feeding strategies.  Both sessions had a great discussion after the session.

The cost for the virtual program is $150 and includes access to the recordings until December 1. Please go to, then to the registration tab to register. After registering, you will be emailed instructions within 48 hours on how to access the virtual program.

This is a collaborative effort of Extension Services of Iowa State University, University of Illinois, University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin.

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